Services, Hiring for marketing & Sales related staff

People are not your most important asset. Right people are.

In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities – ,[object Object],integrity, intelligence and energy.,[object Object],And, if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.

  1. Attracting the right candidate
  2. Using outdates hiring process
  3. Talent shortage in marketing
  4. Focussing too much on resumes, qualification & experience
  5. Interviewing marketers is tricky
  6. Spotting the fakers
  7. Misalignment with your organization’s culture
  8. Lack of data knowledge
  9. Matching talents with budgetary constraints
  10. Building a strong employer brand

We’re not a hiring company. We just don’t hire anyone.
Our hiring services are limited to marketing & sales functions only. Because, only a marketer can identify the right marketer. And we specialize in it.

It is not possible to manufacture talent.,[object Object],You have to recruit it in the first place. But hiring in itself is a skill. Not everyone can do it well.

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