Video Presentations

Video Marketing has the ability to reach and capture the attention of your audience instantly and conveys your unique school ethos in a way that other media cannot.

Most people retain 95% of the message in a video, compared to only 10% of what they read in text

A video presentation can be:

  • Overview of your school
  • Classroom updates
  • Introducing faculty, staff & administrators
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Field trips
  • Teachers’ experiences – why they love their job
  • Students showing and explaining artwork
  • Parents expressing what they love most about the school
  • School news & updates
  • Behind the scenes
  • Green initiatives
  • Community garden
  • Live streaming of annual days & other events
  • Principal’s holiday greetings
  • Food and nutrition in school
  • Innumerable such topics

At SchoolHype, we can help you in:

  1. Planning
  2. Content & scripting
  3. Filming
  4. Voice narrating
  5. Editing
  6. Delivery & integrating it with various channels

Not all video content needs to be created by a professional videographer. A good quality phone camera can work good enough.

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